Thursday, May 5, 2011

Indiana Jones is old, get a new adventure: Bob Bazinga

Bob Bazinga and his new adventure beats Indiana Jones by a mile! This is our (Daniel and mine) third istopmotion film. In this awesome adventure film, Bob will be jumping over darts, and jumping over Wii Remotes too!

Daniel's Youtube Account: danostopmotion.
My Youtube Account: PotatoMB.

1 comment:

  1. The second Bob Bazinga movie: Bob Bazinga and the Raiders of the Lost Bark.
    The plot:
    A magical gold-plated piece of tree bark is captured by Nazis. Now, Bob must rescue it from the Nazis so that they do not use it to summon evil LEGO warriors to overthrow America.
    BOB BAZINGA: Michael Ben
    DR. MAYONNAISE (instead of Brody): Daniel
    NAZI 1: Daniel
    NAZI 2: Michael Ben
    ADOLF HITLER: Michael Ben
    DEAD HITLER: Daniel
